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Welcome to the CSI forum, this is the place for you to share and learn about current news and different point of views. All the discussions on this forum should be academic, professional and respectful, profanities will not be tolerated. Also, please keep in mind that the server of this forum is located in China thus it is under the surveillance of the authorities, sensitive words may be censored.
The two great nations of ours are so interdependent that our very survival is relied on each other. Yet, much misunderstanding and lack of respectful communications had made us see and think of the other as villains rather than friends, which we all dearly need. It is you, who are not hiding behind the anonymity and irresponsibility of the internet, may be able to break the ignorance and bridge China and America.
Thank you and I am eagerly looking forward to share and learn with you.
Welcome to the CSI forum, this is the place for you to share and learn about current news and different point of views. All the discussions on this forum should be academic, professional and respectful, profanities will not be tolerated. Also, please keep in mind that the server of this forum is located in China thus it is under the surveillance of the authorities, sensitive words may be censored.
The two great nations of ours are so interdependent that our very survival is relied on each other. Yet, much misunderstanding and lack of respectful communications had made us see and think of the other as villains rather than friends, which we all dearly need. It is you, who are not hiding behind the anonymity and irresponsibility of the internet, may be able to break the ignorance and bridge China and America.
Thank you and I am eagerly looking forward to share and learn with you.
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